Janine Flerisse
Born and raised in the Philippines, Janine Werling made her way to LA when she was just 13 years old. The youngest of four, she chose to fulfill her father's dream of having one of his children in the military. She ended up in the Air Force, serving as a medic, and hopes to one day become an ultrasound technician. This fitness fanatic radiates positive vibes, and only surrounds herself with those who do too. Her upbeat attitude and endearing personality are the reason we love her, and we have no doubts you will too.
As a woman in the military, you have to be strong. While the military has been considered a man's world, you're surrounded by strong women. We have a special bond.
Photo courtesy of @JANINEFLERISSE
Treat every day like it's your last because you only get one life and you need to make the most of it.
Photo courtesy of @JANINEFLERISSE
In the military, they're holding us to a man's standard so you have to be strong as a woman.
Photo courtesy of @JANINEFLERISSE