Watch Khloé and Emma's Workout with Coach Joe
Want to work out like Good American's co-founders? Well, here's your chance. Khloé and Emma were put to the test by legendary trainer, Joel Bouraïma AKA Coach Joe in a high intensity workout you can try at next time you're at the gym. Grab a partner (or a set of resistance bands) and let's get to work.
Try this workout at the gym (with or without a partner) to get fit like our co-founders!
1. Warm-up: Side Step with Medicine Ball - 30 seconds x 4
2. Tricep Dip + Tricep Push-Up - 10 reps each x 4
3. Forearm Planks + Mountain Climbers - 15 seconds each x 4
4. Thruster (Squat + Curl + Overhead press with dumbbells) - 10 reps x 4
5. Leg Raises - 10 reps per side x 2 with 10 second hold
6. Side Leg Raises - 10 reps per side x 2 with 10 second hold
7. Step Ups - 10 reps per leg x 2
8. Single Arm Partner Plank - 15 seconds per arm x 2
To do this workout, you'll need to find the below equipment at your gym.
1. Terra Core or Bosu Ball
2. Medium weight medicine ball
3. Bench or elevated box
4. Medium weight dumbbells
5. Mat (for core work)
6. Partner (or Resistance band!)