Akin's Guide to Killer Abs
If you've found yourself Insta-stalking personal trainers for hours on end (we're guilty, too!) then you've probably come across legendary NYC trainer Akin Akman AKA @AKINIKO. Akin has amassed a well-deserved following for his high-energy and ass-kicking SoulCycle classes and his seriously challenging 'Akin's Army' boot camps (if you're lucky enough to secure a spot). Akin's approach to fitness? Take on life with a champion's mindset and you can accomplish anything.
We've turned to the master trainer himself for an exclusive breakdown of his go-to ab workout.
Do each move back to back for 4 sets.
1. Hollow Body Rock (30-60 seconds)
2. Oblique V Crunch (30 seconds per side)
3. Russian Twists (30-60 seconds)
4. Bicycle Crunches (30-60 seconds)
5. Plank with Glider Circles (30 seconds clockwise, 30 seconds counter-clockwise)
To do this workout, you'll need:
1. Mat
2. Gliders
3. One dumbbell (optional)