Kaisa Roseth-Johnson
What’s the new beauty ideal to you?
Natural beauty. I think accentuating everything you already have. If you have bushy eyebrows, just use them! You don't have to overly pluck them, you know.
Describe Good American in 3 words
Inclusive. Understanding, which kind of goes with inclusivity. Accepting. Good American is about including everyone and accepting everyone from wherever they come from and whatever their story is.
What made you want to apply to the Open Casting?
Last year I applied. My friend from high school told me about it, and was like, “You'd be so perfect for this!” At the time I was assigned to a modeling agency, and I was having a lot of emotional issues just being signed to them. I was very stressed out. I didn't like what I was doing creatively. I feel like I didn't have any say in anything.
I was going through a lot of things, thinking “If I do this and I become famous I'm going to be happy, and that's everything I need to be happy.” I didn’t get it. After that, I needed to take a step back and focus on myself before rushing into something because I think it's going to make me feel better. I realize the more that I want this, the more the universe is going to give me this feeling of wanting it and the less I’m going to have it.
Then I get the email from Good American this year and I was like, “I'll do it!” I did it, got the casting call back, and it was in Chicago. I took an Uber downtown and I was actually the first one there. They were setting up, and I went in and was talking with the IMG representative. I straight up told her, “I was lying to you guys last year when I said I was confident.” I told her I was having such bad anxiety, but I was there doing it because, who knows!
The worst thing that could happen is that I wouldn’t get it. But, I wouldn’t know if I didn't go! Lo and behold, I got an email while I was at work. A Good American email popped up... “Congratulations!”
What was going on in your head when you saw that?
I don't even know! I ran to my manager and I was like, “I need to call my mom!” My mom said, “Shut up! No you didn't.” I was just so excited it didn't really hit me yet.
How does it feel to be in the Good Squad now?
I definitely feel blessed. I feel like it was fate! This is all coming back for everything else that I've gone through, everything everyone else has gone through. I dont’ know, I’m just excited for the future. I’m excited to see the campaign, and for the months after that.
It's nuts… I'm like, Good Squad.
How was it meeting Khoé?
I was in complete awe of her. She's beautiful, she's gorgeous. The thing I admire about her is that she's so hard working. She and her family work hard for everything they have, and I think people are just like, “Oh whatever. They have a reality show and that's why they're famous on social media”, and I’m like, you guys realize this is actual work!
And how was it meeting with Emma?
I talked to Emma at the New York casting and she was super sweet and we both had this little thing because she's mixed and I’m mixed. We were both like, we don't know if we identify with being white or being black. She's so open and welcoming, and wants everyone to feel comfortable! I didn’t feel pressured. The first thing she said to me was, “I want you to be in something you are comfortable in and that you would wear right now.” So these jeans I'm wearing right now, I walked in wearing similar jeans. She was like, “Let’s put you in these because you're already wearing them.” She also had me wear my own boots. So, I think that she's all about making sure you feel comfortable and you aren't feeling too pressured. She was just so sweet.
Music is a huge passion of yours, tell us about that.
I love making music because I love what I make. I have a little home studio I set up. I have my headphones and my interface, and I can just listen to a beat, mix something. It can be trash but, okay I tried! It's something that's so flexible, and I don't have to have super high expectations for myself. I freestyle everything I make. If I'm stuck and can't think of the next line, I just go work on another project. I like that it's something that doesn't have a lot of expectations. It has a lot of flexibility in terms of being creative in my own space. I'm the director of it. I mix everything, I record everything there's no telling me what to do and it's kind of nice that people like what I made by myself.
The whole idea of me making music is to be brave and bold. Just try things! I never thought I could make music, and then I went and made a song. My music is catchy.. it's very summery. It’s on Apple music and Spotify.
Just try things, be brave!
Follow Kaisa on Instagram.